Hazards of outdoor painting #4: Wind

Today I started a new painting at the Kepharts' Farm and things were going well until the wind started picking up and I found myself holding the easel down with one hand while painting with the other. Near the end of the session a big gust got the better of me and snatched the painting away, slapping it onto the ground face up, simultaneously toppling the easel and dumping my can of paint thinner onto the painting. Well, teacher Walt Bartman says the resulting runny, smeared image ain't bad at all, so I guess Mother Nature gave me a little help this time!

I am calling the painting "I Will Stay Here." Oil on canvas, 18 x 24 inches (46 x 61 cm)


Jody said…
Funny post, plus you were painting a car(r)!
George Carr said…
We two Carrs are not quite out to pasture- not yet!

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